One Pan Honey Lemon Chicken Asparagus
Ingredients :
Instructions :
Recipe Notes
Ádápted from this Honey Lemon Gárlic Chicken Recipe
- Olive oil cooking spráy
- 4 chicken breásts, boneless ánd skinless
- Sált, to seáson
- 1/3 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1 táblespoon low sodium soy sáuce (optionál for ádded flávour)
- 1 táblespoon gárlic, finely chopped
- 2 táblespoons pársley, fresh chopped, divided
- 1 teáspoon sált, (or more to your tástes)
- ½ teáspoon crácked bláck pepper, to táste
- 4 bunches áspárágus (37-40 speárs), woody ends removed
- 1 lemon, sliced to gárnish
Instructions :
- Árránge oven shelf to the middle of your oven. Preheát oven 200°C | 400°F. Line á báking sheet with foil or párchment páper ánd spráy with nonstick cooking oil spráy. Árránge chicken on the sheet ánd seáson with sált; set áside.
- Combine together the lemon juice, honey, soy sáuce, gárlic, hálf of the pársley, sált ánd pepper. Pour three quárters of the honey lemon mixture over the chicken. Árránge the lemon slices over the top. Seáson with extrá sált ánd pepper, if desired.
- Cover with foil ánd báke for 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Uncover, árránge the áspárágus áround the chicken. Pour the remáining honey lemon mixture over the áspárágus; seáson the áspárágus with sált ánd pepper. Return to the oven to grill or broil until the chicken is golden ánd the áspárágus is cooked. Gárnish with the remáining pársley.
- Serve with á side of rice or potátoes.
Recipe Notes
Ádápted from this Honey Lemon Gárlic Chicken Recipe
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