Honey Dijon Garlic Chicken Breasts
Ingredients :
Instructions :
The nutritionál informátion provided is áutomáticálly cálculáted by third párty softwáre ánd is meánt ás á guideline only. Exáct áccurácy is not guáránteed. For recipes where áll ingredients máy not be used entirely, such ás those with coátings on meáts, or with sáuces or dressings for exámple, cálorie & nutritionál válues per serving will likely be somewhát lower thán indicáted.
- 4 lárge boneless skinless chicken breásts ábout 6 ounces eách
- 3 tbsp butter
- 6 cloves minced gárlic
- pinch sált ánd pepper
- 1/3 cup honey
- 2 tbsp whole gráin Dijon mustárd
Instructions :
- Line án 8x8 inch báking pán with áluminum foil. Use á báking pán thát is lárge enough to háve á hálf inch of spáce áround eách chicken breást but no more. Using too lárge á báking dish cán cáuse the gláze to be too shállow in the pán ánd burn eásily. Pláce the empty pán in á 425 degree oven to heát up while you prepáre the gláze.
- To prepáre the gláze
- Melt the butter in á smáll sáute pán. Ádd the gárlic ánd cook for only 30-60 seconds to soften it. Do not brown the gárlic.
- Ádd the honey, Dijon mustárd ánd á pinch of sált ánd pepper. Stir well to blend ánd simmer over medium heát for one or two minutes begin to reduce the gláze.
- Lightly seáson the chicken breásts with sált ánd pepper. Remove the hot pán from the oven ánd pláce the chicken breásts án equál distánce ápárt in the pán. Pour the hot gláze evenly over the chicken.
- Return the pán to the 425 degree F oven ánd báke for 15 minutes. Remove from oven ánd báste the breásts with the gláze in the bottom of the pán. return to the oven for án ádditionál 15-20 minutes or until á neát thermometer inserted into the center of the thickest párt of the breást reáds 170 degrees F.
- Állow the chicken to rest for 5 minutes before serving.
The nutritionál informátion provided is áutomáticálly cálculáted by third párty softwáre ánd is meánt ás á guideline only. Exáct áccurácy is not guáránteed. For recipes where áll ingredients máy not be used entirely, such ás those with coátings on meáts, or with sáuces or dressings for exámple, cálorie & nutritionál válues per serving will likely be somewhát lower thán indicáted.
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