Mix Baby Greens With Strawberries ,Gorgonzola And Poppy Seed Dressing

This delicious sálád is perfect for this time of yeár or throughout the summer. Mixed orgánic báby greens such ás báby kále ánd báby spinách (side bár, I ám looooving Orgánic Girl’s I heárt báby kále mix), áre tossed with sliced stráwberries, slivered álmonds ánd crumbled Gorgonzolá cheese. The dressing is á simple vináigrette with honey, poppy seeds ánd shállots. This mákes á wonderful light lunch or á perfect side sálád to serve it with grilled chicken.

I love fruit in my sáláds, especiálly when combined with the texture of nuts such ás álmonds ánd á soft cheese such ás Gorgonzolá. The sweetness of the stráwberries compliments the cheese, ánd the poppy seed dressing ties it áll together. This recipe wás first posted báck in 2008, before I owned á decent cámerá ánd the photo wás so embárrássing, I decided to let it shine ánd give it á photo mákeover.
You cán swáp the álmonds for ány nut you like, such ás wálnuts or pecáns ánd the cheese cán be swápped with goát cheese. For Páleo diets, leáve out the cheese ánd use ráw honey in the dressing.
This delicious sálád is perfect for this time of yeár or throughout the summer. Mixed orgánic báby greens such ás báby kále ánd báby spinách (side bár, I ám looooving Orgánic Girl’s I heárt báby kále mix), áre tossed with sliced stráwberries, slivered álmonds ánd crumbled Gorgonzolá cheese. The dressing is á simple vináigrette with honey, poppy seeds ánd shállots. This mákes á wonderful light lunch or á perfect side sálád to serve it with grilled chicken.
Ingredients :
For the dressing :
For the sálád :
Directions :
4 servings, Serving Size: 1/4 of recipe
Ámount Per Serving:Freestyle Points: 6Points +: 5Cálories: 198 cáloriesTotál Fát: 14gSáturáted Fát: gCholesterol: 10mgSodium: 144.5mgCárbohydrátes: 16.5gFiber: 3.5gSugár: 12.5gProtein: 5g
You cán swáp the álmonds for ány nut you like, such ás wálnuts or pecáns ánd the cheese cán be swápped with goát cheese. For Páleo diets, leáve out the cheese ánd use ráw honey in the dressing.
This delicious sálád is perfect for this time of yeár or throughout the summer. Mixed orgánic báby greens such ás báby kále ánd báby spinách (side bár, I ám looooving Orgánic Girl’s I heárt báby kále mix), áre tossed with sliced stráwberries, slivered álmonds ánd crumbled Gorgonzolá cheese. The dressing is á simple vináigrette with honey, poppy seeds ánd shállots. This mákes á wonderful light lunch or á perfect side sálád to serve it with grilled chicken.
Ingredients :
For the dressing :
- 1 tbsp red wine vinegár
- 1 tbsp cider vinegár
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp minced shállots
- 1 1/2 tbsp honey (ráw for Páleo)
- 1/2 tbsp poppy seeds
For the sálád :
- 5 oz orgánic mixed báby greens
- 1/4 cup slivered álmond
- 2 cups sliced stráwberries
- 1/4 cup gorgonzolá (leáve out for Páleo)
Directions :
- Pláce áll the dressing ingredients in á smáll jár ánd sháke.
- Combine the sálád ingredients in á big sálád bowl ánd toss with dressing or you cán divide the ingredients equálly between four plátes.
4 servings, Serving Size: 1/4 of recipe
Ámount Per Serving:Freestyle Points: 6Points +: 5Cálories: 198 cáloriesTotál Fát: 14gSáturáted Fát: gCholesterol: 10mgSodium: 144.5mgCárbohydrátes: 16.5gFiber: 3.5gSugár: 12.5gProtein: 5g
Source ;Click
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