Japanese Milk Pan With Milk Puddings Fillings (日本牛奶面包)

I do not know the origin of this bread and I only that it was called “milk pan” by the bakery…Using English pronunciation, it shall be pronounced as “pun” as in puncture. ..”Pan” is a Japanese word meaning “bread” and believed to have been borrowed from Portuguese “Pao” ..Therefore essentially, milk pan means milk bread..
Servings: 9 medium size buns
Milk Roux
· 100 grams of milk
· 25 grams of bread flour
· Bread dough
· 100 grams of milk
· 250 bread flour
· 30 grams of butter , at room temperature
· 30 grams of milk powder
· 30 grams of castor sugar
· 6 grams of instant yeast
· Pinches of salt
Milk Puddings
· 125 ml of milk
· 1 egg
· 1 tablespoon of sugar

· In a pot, heat 100 ml of milk under medium heat, add the 25 grams of bread flour. Use a whisk to whisk the mixture until smooth and starts to form a sticky dough. Off the heat and let it cooled completely.
· Once the roux cooled completely, transfer to a mixing bowl of a standing mixer. Add bread flour, milk, sugar, yeast, milk powder and salt.. Use a spoon to slightly stir until it form a sticky dough. Use the dough hook in the machine to beat the dough at medium to low speed (speed 2 in Kenwood Chef or Kitchen Aid) for about 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, put the butter, change from medium to high speed (speed 4 kin Kenwood Chef or Kitchen Aid) for about 7 minutes until the dough is smooth and leaves the side of the mixing bowl. Take a small piece of dough and lightly stretch the dough. If it can form a thin film of dough without breaking, the kneading is considered as adequate.. This is called windowpane test.
· Transfer the dough out to a lightly flour surface. Shape round and let it proof for about double in size. Cover with a clingy wrap or wet towel during proofing.
· While the dough is proofing, in a microwaveable bowl, put sugar, egg and milk. Stir until well mixed. Microwave for 2 minutes or until the puddings have set. Set aside for later use. Alternatively, heat the milk mixture over a stove under low heat until custard starts to form.
· When the dough double in size, divide into about 9 equal pieces. Take a piece, shape round, flatten it, put a tablespoon of the milk puddings on the centre, seal the edges and transfer to a baking cups with the sealing part facing downwards. Transfer to a cupcake cup and let them proof until 2 to 2.5 times.
Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius.
Once the dough reaches 2 – 2.5 times, bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes or until the desired colour tone.
· If your custard is wet, you may want to put the cooked custard over a sift and drained away the water. The drier it is, the easier will be the wrapping. If the liquid touch the sealing part of the dough, it will be very difficult for you the seal the dough. Therefore, make sure the fingers are dry and clean before sealing.

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