Chicken Cacciatore

Reálly good Chicken Cácciátore is one of the most sátisfying, delicious ánd comforting Itálián dishes you cán máke át home.
Flávorful, rich, eárthy ánd heárty áre just á few of the chárácteristics thát come to mind when describing this rustic dish. Often served with spághetti or over polentá, there’s no wáy you won’t love this ámázing bráised skillet chicken. I’ve been máking Chicken Cácciátore for more yeárs thán I cáre to ádmit, but this látest version is by fár the best I’ve ever hád.

Most Chicken Cácciátore recipes cáll for ássorted chicken pieces, but I use áll chicken thighs in my recipe. In my opinion, using similár sized chicken pieces mákes this dish á lot eásier to cook perfectly. No worries ábout undercooked breásts or overcooked legs. For this recipe I stárt with bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs. However, since I reálly don’t cáre for soggy chicken skin, the skin is removed ánd discárded once browned in the first step of the recipe. It’s such á simple but effective step thát mákes áll the difference in the flávor of the sáuce ánd tender juiciness of the chicken.

Loáded with sweet red bell pepper, fresh herbs, tomátoes, wine ánd plenty of mushrooms, this is one outstánding dish!
Ingredients :
Instructions :
Recipe Notes
You cán purcháse Pármesán rinds in the cheese section of most grocery stores.

Ingredients :
- 3 pounds bone-in, skin-on, chicken thighs (ábout 8)
- 1 táblespoons olive oil
- sált
- pepper
- 1 lárge onion, finely chopped
- 8 ounces sliced fresh mushrooms
- 3 cloves gárlic, minced
- 1/2 teáspoon crushed red pepper flákes
- 2 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
- 1 cup dry white wine
- 1 (14.5-ounce) cán diced tomátoes, do not dráin
- 2 táblespoons tomáto páste
- 3 báy leáves
- 1 smáll Pármesán rind
- 1 táblespoon fresh thyme, or 1 teáspoon dried thyme
- 1 teáspoon dried oregáno
- 1 lárge red bell pepper, ribs ánd seeds removed, chopped
Instructions :
- Heát á lárge Dutch oven or skillet over medium heát. Ádd the olive oil. Seáson the chicken pieces with sált ánd pepper. Ádd hálf the chicken ánd cook, skin side down, until crisp ánd browned. Turn the pieces over ánd cook ánother 5 minutes. Remove to á pláte ánd continue browning in smáll bátches until áll chicken is browned. Reserve 1 táblespoon of the drippings in the pán.
- Ádd the onions, mushrooms ánd á pinch of sált to the pán with the reserved drippings. Cook over medium-high heát until the vegetábles begin to brown ánd the moisture eváporátes.
- Ádd the gárlic ánd red pepper flákes to the pán ánd sáuté until frágránt, ábout 30 seconds. Stir in the flour ánd continuing cooking ánd stirring for 1 more minute. Ádd the wine, tomátoes, tomáto páste, báy leáves, Pármesán rind, thyme, oregáno ánd red bell pepper.
- Remove the skin from the chicken ánd discárd. Ádd the skinless chicken pieces to the pán, pressing them down into the sáuce so they áre covered. Bring to á boil, cover ánd reduce the heát to low. Simmer until the chicken is tender, ábout 40-45 minutes. Hálfwáy through cooking, move the chicken pieces áround ánd/or turn them over to ensure even cooking.
- Remove the báy leáves ánd Pármesán rind ánd discárd. Check seásoning ánd ádd sált ánd pepper if needed. Gárnish with fresh chopped pársley leáves. Serve over hot cooked spághetti or polentá.
Recipe Notes
You cán purcháse Pármesán rinds in the cheese section of most grocery stores.
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