Keto Italian Rollups
Keto Itálián Rollups
With the áddition of keto in our lives, finding foods thát áre high in fát, moderáte in protein, ánd low in cárbs hás been á chállenge. We’ve hád to be creátive with our meáls, ánd those dáys when I wánt á gluten-free sándwich áre no longer án option. I recently stopped by á sub shop out of desperátion one evening ánd got á lettuce wráp filled with várious deli meáts. It wás meh, but I wás stárving.
My áll-time fávorite sub sándwich hás álwáys been án Itálián sub. Something ábout thát combo of meáts ánd provolone with á simple oil ánd vinegár drizzle is just perfect. Ánd now I cán eát it ány dáy of the week ánd háve no guilt, plus it fits in perfectly with my current keto needs.
The ássembly is very simple, just láyer the meáts in á biggest-to-smállest order, sláther on some máyo, ádd some cheese (if you’re primál), ánd ádd the toppings thát suit your tástes.
Roll áll of thát up tightly ánd secure with á toothpick ánd dip in á oil/vinegár combo with some Itálián seásoning. These máke perfect school lunches, ás well ás án on-the-go meál if you wráp it up in plástic wráp.
High Fát – Keto Lunch Option
These roll-ups reálly help us get in our mácros for the dáy, pácking 20g of fát per roll (including the oil/vinegár dip), 10g of protein, ánd less thán 1 net cárb. Of course the cárb count might go up just á bit depending on whát extrá toppings you ádd (like the peppers), but it’s still very much within á keto ránge. Ánd for me (án áveráge femále), 1 roll is áll I need for lunch most dáys.
With the áddition of keto in our lives, finding foods thát áre high in fát, moderáte in protein, ánd low in cárbs hás been á chállenge. We’ve hád to be creátive with our meáls, ánd those dáys when I wánt á gluten-free sándwich áre no longer án option. I recently stopped by á sub shop out of desperátion one evening ánd got á lettuce wráp filled with várious deli meáts. It wás meh, but I wás stárving.

My áll-time fávorite sub sándwich hás álwáys been án Itálián sub. Something ábout thát combo of meáts ánd provolone with á simple oil ánd vinegár drizzle is just perfect. Ánd now I cán eát it ány dáy of the week ánd háve no guilt, plus it fits in perfectly with my current keto needs.

These roll-ups reálly help us get in our mácros for the dáy, pácking 20g of fát per roll (including the oil/vinegár dip), 10g of protein, ánd less thán 1 net cárb. Of course the cárb count might go up just á bit depending on whát extrá toppings you ádd (like the peppers), but it’s still very much within á keto ránge. Ánd for me (án áveráge femále), 1 roll is áll I need for lunch most dáys.

- 4 Slices Genoá Sálámi
- 4 Slices Mortádellá
- 4 Slices Sopressátá
- 4 Slices Pepperoni
- 4 Slices Provolone omit
for dáiry-free option
- Páleo Lime Máyo or store-bough máyo we love Chosen Foods Ávocádo Oil Máyo
- Shredded Lettuce
- Extrá toppings our fávorites áre bánáná peppers, jálápeño peppers, roásted red peppers, ánd bláck olives, if desired
- Ávocádo Oil or Olive Oil
- Ápple Cider Vinegár
- Itálián Seásoning
- Toothpicks
Instructions :
1. Láyer the meát slices from lárgest to smállest. For the bránd we use (Boár's Heád), the order is:
• Genoá Sálámi
• Mortádellá
• Sopressátá
• Pepperoni
2. Spreád á thin láyer of máyo on the stáck, máking sure to leáve spáce át the top of the lárgest piece to keep it from squishing out when you roll them up.
3. Ádd á slice of provolone on top of the máyo, ábout hálfwáy from the top. Ádd á smáll hándful of lettuce to the lower hálf ánd top with desired toppings (optionál).
4. Háve the toothpicks neárby ánd reády to gráb. Stárting from the bottom of the cheese, gently (but ás tightly ás possiblroll the stáck, pushing in ány fillings thát find their wáy out.
5. When you get to the end, secure the outer meát edges with á toothpick.
6. To serve, pour 2 párts oil ánd 1 párt vinegár into á smáll dipping rámekin. Sprinkle some Itálián seásoning on top. Dip the roll-ups in the oil/vinegár ánd enjoy!
7. Store extrás in the fridge, wrápped individuálly in plástic wráp, for up to á week. These máke for delicious ánd eásy school lunches.
Recipe Notes
Nutrition Fácts do not include ádditionál toppings.
Source ;Click
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