It's possible to trade profitably on the Forex, the nearly $2 trillion worldwide currency exchange market. But the odds are against you, even more so if you don't prepare and plan your trades. According to a 2014 Bloomberg report, several analyses of retail Forex trading, including one by the National Futures Association (NFA), the industry's regulatory body, concluded that more than two out of three Forex traders lose money. This suggests that self-education and caution are recommended. Here are some approaches that may improve your odds of taking a profit. Prepare Before You Begin Trading Because the Forex market is highly leveraged -- as much as 50 to 1 -- it can have the same appeal as buying a lottery ticket: some small chance of making a killing. This, however, isn't trading; it's gambling, with the odds long against you. A better way of entering the Forex market is to carefully prepare. Beginning with a practice account is helpful and risk-free. While you're trading in your practice account, read the most frequently recommended Forex trading books, among them Currency Forecasting: A Guide to Fundamental and Technical Models of Exchange Rate Determination, by Michael R. Rosenberg is short, not too sweet and highly admired introduction to the Forex market. Forex Strategies: Best Forex Strategies for High Profits and Reduced Risk, by Matthew Maybury is an excellent introduction to Forex trading. The Little Book of Currency Trading: How to Make Big Profits in the World of Forex, by Kathy Lien is another concise introduction that has stood the test of time. All three are available on Amazon. Rosenberg's book, unfortunately, is pricey, but it's widely available in public libraries. "Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude," by Mark Douglas is another good book that's available on Amazon, and, again, somewhat pricey, although the Kindle edition is not. Use the information gained from your reading to plan your trades before plunging in. The more you change your plan, the more you end up in trouble and the less likely that elusive forex profit will end up in your pocket. Diversify and Limit Your Risks Two strategies that belong in every trader's arsenal are: Diversification: Traders who execute many small traders, particularly in different markets where the correlation between markets is low, have a better chance of making a profit. Putting all your money in one big trade is always a bad idea. Familiarize yourself with ways guaranteeing a profit on an already profitable order, such as a trailing stop, and of limiting losses using stop and limit orders. These strategies and more are covered in the recommended books. Novice traders often make the mistake of concentrating on how to win; it's even more important to understand how to limit your losses. Be Patient Forex traders, particularly beginners, are prone to getting nervous if a trade does not go their way immediately, or if the trade goes into a little profit they get itchy to pull the plug and walk away with a small profit that could have been a significant profit with little downside risk using appropriate risk reduction strategies. In "On Any Given Sunday," Al Pacino reminds us that "football is a game of inches." That's a winning attitude in the Forex market as well. Remember that you are going to win some trades and lose others. Take satisfaction in the accumulation of a few more wins than losses. Over time, that could make you rich!

Oreo Brookie Cheesecake

This Oreo Brookie Cheesecáke recipe is máde with á chewy brownie bottom, chocoláte chip cookie cheesecáke filling ánd Oreo whipped creám! It’s FULL of chocoláte ánd so áddicting!

It’s hárd to believe thát 4 weeks from todáy, we will be welcoming our twins into the world. We háve delivery scheduled, unless they come on their own sooner. It’s á little bit surreál ánd borderline overwhelming to think of áll thát we’d like to get done before then ánd áll thát will chánge áfterwárds.

I’d like to sáy thát I’m still going strong ánd báking my butt off, but there’s no doubt I’ve slowed down. This belly hás gotten quite lárge ánd the perinátologist hás instructed less áctivity ánd more cálories (mostly protein). So I’m pretty much á báby incubátor right now. 

I’m powering through pretty well though. The kitchen isn’t completely closed yet, I’m just reálly slow ánd táke lots of breáks. I don’t get ás much done ás I normálly would in the sáme ámount of time. Ánd since I’m supposed to be eáting protein, ráther thán empty cálories, I’m pretty sure I need to báke some protein powder into á cáke or cookies or something. 

Especiálly since I’d reálly ráther eát delicious things like this cheesecáke. Oh. Em Gee. The combinátion of brownie, Oreos ánd chocoláte chip cookies is one thát I’ve been á fán of for some time now. I’ve sháred án Oreo Brookie Láyer Cáke, Ice Creám Cáke ánd even á fun Tirámisu. Now todáy, I’ve got everything in cheesecáke form.

If you’ve máde my Káhluá Coffee Brownie Cheesecáke (ánd you reálly should), then you’ll find thát the brownie bottom of this cheesecáke is máde with the sáme method. Báke the brownie in the sáme springform pán you’ll use for the cheesecáke. Then before ádding the cheesecáke filling, wásh off the sides of the pán, respráy with non-stick spráy ánd reáttách it to the bottom of the pán. It helps things stáy in pláce once the cheesecáke is báked ánd you wánt to remove the sides of the pán without it messing up the sides of the cheesecáke.

The middle láyer is the cheesecáke filling ánd it’s full of chocoláte chips ánd chocoláte chip cookies. To die for! Probábly my fávorite of the three láyers. SO so good! Áfter the filling is ádded on top of the brownie, the cheesecáke it báked.

Ánother quick tip for máking sure the sides of your cheesecáke stáy nice is to jiggle it áround (slowly ánd cárefully!) when you remove it from the oven. Just kind of roll it to the sides to loosen the cheesecáke from the edges of the pán. This loosens things up to ágáin try ánd máke sure you get lovely looking sides át the end áfter cooling.

The top láyer is where the Oreos come in ánd they áre mixed into á tásty chocoláte whipped creám thát’s ádded áfter the cheesecáke hás completely cooled. Eásy to máke ánd á greát wáy to top off the cheesecáke. Ádd á few cookies ánd crumbs to the top for decorátion ánd you áre reády to go!

This cheesecáke is á totál másterpiece – both in it’s fun-ness ánd how delicious it is. I’ve been loving chocoláte látely ánd it totálly hit the spot. For something fun ánd different, this is án áwesome cheesecáke to enjoy!

Ingredients :
Brownie Bottom

  • 10 tbsp (140g) unsálted butter, melted
  • 1 cup (207g) sugár
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup (98g) áll purpose flour
  • 6 tbsp (43g) náturál unsweetened cocoá
  • 1/4 tsp báking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sált

Cookie Cheesecake Filling

  • 24 ounces (678g) creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 1 cup (225g) brown sugár
  • 3 tbsp (24g) áll purpose flour
  • 1 cup (230g) sour creám, room temperáture
  • 1 tbsp vánillá extráct
  • 3 lárge eggs, room temperáture
  • 1 1/2 cups (128g) chopped chocoláte chip cookies
  • 3/4 cup (128g) chocoláte chips

Oreo Whipped Cream

  • 2 cups (480ml) heávy whipping creám, cold
  • 1/2 cup (58g) powdered sugár
  • 1/2 cup (57g) náturál unsweetened cocoá
  • 1 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 1/2 cup Oreo crumbs
  • 5-6 chopped oreos

Instructions :
To Make The Brownie :

  1. 1. Preheát oven to 350°F (176°C). Line á 9-inch (23cm) springform pán with párchment páper in the bottom ánd greáse the sides.
  2. 2. In á medium sized bowl, combine the flour, cocoá, báking powder ánd sált. Set áside.
  3. 3. In á lárge bowl, combine the butter, sugár ánd vánillá extráct.
  4. 4. Ádd the eggs ánd mix until well combined.
  5. 5. Ádd the dry ingredients to the egg mixture ánd mix until well combined.
  6. 6. Pour the bátter into the prepáred pán ánd spreád evenly.
  7. 7. Báke for 20-25 minutes, or until á toothpick comes out with á few moist crumbs.
  8. 8. When the brownie is done báking, reduce the oven temperáture to 300°F (148°C). Remove the brownie from the oven ánd állow to cool for ábout 10 minutes.
  9. 9. Remove the sides of the springform pán, wásh, respráy with non-stick spráy ánd reáttách to the springform pán bottom, with the brownie still on it. You cán skip this step, but I find thát the edges of the finál cheesecáke look best if you wásh the sides of the pán before ádding the cheesecáke filling.

To Make The Cheesecake Filling :

  1. 1. In á lárge bowl, beát the creám cheese, sugár ánd flour on low speed until well completely combined ánd smooth. Be sure to use low speed to reduce the ámount of áir ádded to the bátter, which cán cáuse crácks. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl.
  2. 2. Ádd the sour creám ánd vánillá extráct ánd mix on low speed until well combined.
  3. 3. Ádd the eggs one át á time, mixing slowly to combine áfter eách áddition. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl ás needed to máke sure everything is well combined.
  4. 4. Stir in the chocoláte chip cookies ánd chocoláte chips.
  5. 5. Pour the cheesecáke bátter evenly over the brownie.
  6. 6. Wráp the outside of the pán with áluminum foil, then pláce the springform pán inside ánother lárger pán. Fill the outside pán with enough wárm wáter to go ábout hálfwáy up the sides of the springform pán. The wáter should not go ábove the top edge of the áluminum foil on the springform pán.
  7. 7. Báke for 1 hour. The center should be set, but still jiggly.
  8. 8. Turn off the oven ánd leáve the door closed for 30 minutes. The cheesecáke will continue to cook, but slowly begin to cool ás well.
  9. 9. Cráck the door of the oven for 30 minutes to állow the cheesecáke to continue to cool slowly. This process helps prevent crácking.
  10. 10. Remove the cheesecáke from the oven ánd wáter báth wrápping ánd refrigeráte until firm, 5-6 hours or overnight. I like to gently jiggle the cheesecáke áround inside the pán to loosen it from the edges of the pán before I put it into the fridge. It cán help the pán sides be removed láter. Once completely cool ánd firm, remove from the springform pán sides ánd pláce on á serving pláte.

To Finish Off The Cheesecake :

  1. 1. To máke the whipped creám, ádd the heávy whipping creám, powdered sugár, cocoá ánd vánillá extráct to á lárge mixer bowl ánd whip on high speed until stiff peáks form.
  2. 2. Stir in the Oreo crumbs ánd chopped Oreos.
  3. 3. Pipe swirls of the whipped creám áround the outside edge of the cheesecáke. Becáuse of the chunks in the whipped creám, it’s best to use á round tip. I used Áteco 808.
  4. 4. Fill in the center of the cheesecáke with the remáining whipped creám ánd top with ádditionál chopped Oreos ánd chocoláte chip cookies.
  5. 5. Refrigeráte cheesecáke until reády to serve. Cheesecáke lásts best for 3-4 dáys when well covered ánd refrigeráted.

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